
エラータID: AXSA:2024-7633:11

Release date: 
Wednesday, March 27, 2024 - 13:24
Affected Channels: 
Asianux Server 7 for x86_64

Mozilla Firefox is an open-source web browser, designed for standards compliance, performance, and portability.

This update upgrades Firefox to version 115.9.1 ESR.

Security Fix(es):

* nss: timing attack against RSA decryption (CVE-2023-5388)
* Mozilla: Crash in NSS TLS method (CVE-2024-0743)
* Mozilla: JIT code failed to save return registers on Armv7-A (CVE-2024-2607)
* Mozilla: Integer overflow could have led to out of bounds write (CVE-2024-2608)
* Mozilla: Improve handling of out-of-memory conditions in ICU (CVE-2024-2616)
* Mozilla: Improper handling of html and body tags enabled CSP nonce leakage (CVE-2024-2610)
* Mozilla: Clickjacking vulnerability could have led to a user accidentally granting permissions (CVE-2024-2611)
* Mozilla: Self referencing object could have potentially led to a use-after-free (CVE-2024-2612)
* Mozilla: Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 124, Firefox ESR 115.9, and Thunderbird 115.9 (CVE-2024-2614)
* Mozilla: Privileged JavaScript Execution via Event Handlers (CVE-2024-29944)

For more details about the security issue(s), including the impact, a CVSS score, acknowledgments, and other related information, refer to the CVE page(s) listed in the References section.

NSS was susceptible to a timing side-channel attack when performing RSA decryption. This attack could potentially allow an attacker to recover the private data. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 124, Firefox ESR < 115.9, and Thunderbird < 115.9.
An unchecked return value in TLS handshake code could have caused a potentially exploitable crash. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 122, Firefox ESR < 115.9, and Thunderbird < 115.9.
Return registers were overwritten which could have allowed an attacker to execute arbitrary code. *Note:* This issue only affected Armv7-A systems. Other operating systems are unaffected. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 124, Firefox ESR < 115.9, and Thunderbird < 115.9.
`AppendEncodedAttributeValue(), ExtraSpaceNeededForAttrEncoding()` and `AppendEncodedCharacters()` could have experienced integer overflows, causing underallocation of an output buffer leading to an out of bounds write. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 124, Firefox ESR < 115.9, and Thunderbird < 115.9.
Using a markup injection an attacker could have stolen nonce values. This could have been used to bypass strict content security policies. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 124, Firefox ESR < 115.9, and Thunderbird < 115.9.
A missing delay on when pointer lock was used could have allowed a malicious page to trick a user into granting permissions. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 124, Firefox ESR < 115.9, and Thunderbird < 115.9.
If an attacker could find a way to trigger a particular code path in `SafeRefPtr`, it could have triggered a crash or potentially be leveraged to achieve code execution. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 124, Firefox ESR < 115.9, and Thunderbird < 115.9.
Memory safety bugs present in Firefox 123, Firefox ESR 115.8, and Thunderbird 115.8. Some of these bugs showed evidence of memory corruption and we presume that with enough effort some of these could have been exploited to run arbitrary code. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 124, Firefox ESR < 115.9, and Thunderbird < 115.9.
To harden ICU against exploitation, the behavior for out-of-memory conditions was changed to crash instead of attempt to continue. This vulnerability affects Firefox ESR < 115.9 and Thunderbird < 115.9.
An attacker was able to inject an event handler into a privileged object that would allow arbitrary JavaScript execution in the parent process. Note: This vulnerability affects Desktop Firefox only, it does not affect mobile versions of Firefox. This vulnerability affects Firefox < 124.0.1 and Firefox ESR < 115.9.1.


Update packages.

Additional Info: 



  1. firefox-115.9.1-1.0.1.el7.AXS7.src.rpm
    MD5: 8998e932c154e61bd88c7e77188d930b
    SHA-256: d0e283a217b5aa9c584eb5d1a18d05d8617668b3a01858a97254e54eaa197da6
    Size: 705.96 MB

Asianux Server 7 for x86_64
  1. firefox-115.9.1-1.0.1.el7.AXS7.i686.rpm
    MD5: 7ddcf5a2a06b1153736dce8bc5c312d0
    SHA-256: 1c1690ad51f260e711275b7e3b04b01266a4bf1e57666196c03f74172211e897
    Size: 118.80 MB
  2. firefox-115.9.1-1.0.1.el7.AXS7.x86_64.rpm
    MD5: eb84294fe91b5ddd5c9bf41766799533
    SHA-256: 73f2243060b248ff2da2842ff724a91cb5eb2a4a59087a65a6bf86b9c75a5a24
    Size: 115.10 MB